Employee Experience Partner
Baltimore, Maryland
Successfully Speaking provides professional development training in communication for individuals and groups. Lynda has worked with major hospital systems, corporations, technology firms, research laboratories, small businesses, and the clergy. She developed her own unique and comprehensive training program for accent modification with the medical profession (Medically Speaking: Accent Modification for the Medical Profession, The Medically Speaking Inventory) and she has collaborated with her colleague, Marjorie Feinstein-Whittaker, to publish RULES, RULES BY THE SOUND, RULES to Go, RULES on the Run, Medically Speaking Idioms, and Medically Speaking RULES, an innovative, comprehensive, cutting-edge approach to accent modification and pronunciation designed for intermediate to advanced English speakers. The Pronunciation Screening Tool and Boston RULES are part of their product line.
Lynda recently launched an online interactive platform "Misspeaks That Sabotage Your Professional Presence." https://bit.ly/3g6s5SJ
Who is the founder of Successfully Speaking? Learn more about Lynda Katz Wilner and what motivates her to work in the... View More