CULTURE IS THE GLUEIt is the reflection of leadership's purpose, passion and people. A vibrant community based culture will attract not only better and more loyal team mates but it will also find like minded customers. The collective momentum of a group of humans with a common connection can drive outcomes unacheivable without it. Lower turnover, higher profits, more fun, less headaches all start with your culture. | ![]() |
![]() | DELIVER AN EMPLOYER BRAND PROMISE EVERY DAYpoweredbyCULTURE employers run their employer brand promise with total integrity and a commitment to success. Their employer brand promise, defines how leadership will treat each employee and how the organization will benefit each person in its community. It is not be fake or contrived. It is real, communicated and felt. |
RELENTLESS ABOUT EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCESLeadership, middle managers and the team are always looking for ways to connect deeper and create lasting experiences. Everyone is on a mission to build a vibrant community not just a workplace. |
CuriosityThey are always looking for new and innovative experiences. They learn and share with peers. They seek to have lasting impact on the community they serve. | PlanningThey plan and schedule the experiences like it was an editorial schedule. Creating and documenting the ever evolving story that exist in their company. | ExecutionThey execute top notch employee experiences that serve the community, serve clients and leave a lasting impression about their people, purpose and passion. |
PUBLIC RECOGNITIONEach day there are so many things to recognize. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Peer Recognition, Goals Acheived and Great Teamwork to Name a Few. Images and the ability to share expand the reach of your culture. | ![]() |
COMMUNICATE SUCCESSES INTERNALLY AND EXTERNALLYHow do you communicate culture on a daily, weekly or monthly basis? When you put culture first, to have the desired impact it needs to be done in a public way on a regular basis. REMEMBER, NO ONE READS EMAIL NEWSLETTERS. |
VIDEOSSome the best workplace culture videos are not professionally done. They may not deserve to be on your YouTube Channel but they do need to aggregated and shared. | IMAGESEasily upload your culture images to help tell the story of your purpose, passion and people. Group pics and individual profiles that are easily shared to social media or platforms like Slack. | STORIESNothing connects a community and communicates your values like a well written story. They can be told by your team or by our professional content creators. | AWARDSUse our awards portal to make sure you are aware of the awards you might be eiligible for. The better your culture profile the easier it is to communicate why your team should win. |